For the 11th Summer Seminar on Population

Workshop 3 – Mortality Analysis

Date: July 15 (Mon) - 19 (Fri), 25-hour course

Venue: Statistics Training Institute, Daejeon


Vladimir Canudas-Romo, Ph.D.
(Professor, Head of School of Demography, Australian National University)


  Last century’s longevity revolution transformed our societies. We know the length of our lives with great certainty and those risks that oppose its extension. However, differentials in survival across populations have been present historically and still exist today. This workshop provides participants with the demographic tools to analyse those mortality changes.
  The workshop includes both lectures with presentations of the methods and hands-on exercises using R and demographic data.


  • - Laptop with R and R-studio installed
  • - Basic knowledge of R

Key Features

  • Understanding Concepts of Mortality Analysis
  • Mortality Analysis Using ‘R programming language’
  • Group Activity Enhanced by the International Student Participation


  • Session 1 - Life tables and its measures (life expectancy, modal age, e-dagger)
  • Session 2 - Life expectancy decomposition (age- and cause-decomposition, and cause-reduce)
  • Session 3 - Alternative measures of longevity (CAL, life years lost)
  • Session 4 - Models of mortality (Gompertz, Kannisto, Heligman-Pollard)
  • Session 5 - Model life tables (log-quadratic, Lee-Carter)

Comments from Previous Participants

Strength of the workshop are firstly the way it is organised, secondly networking
with global scholars, and the materials provided

< Demography / PhD Student >

In-depth enough and the pace of the workshop was good.
It was great to have practice sessions with the lecturer and TA.

< Demography / Professor >

This workshop provided an in-depth knowledge about demographic techniques
with hand on experience on R.

< Demography / PhD Student>