For the 11th Summer Seminar on Population

Workshop 2 – Fertility Analysis

Date: July 8 (Mon) - 12 (Fri), 25-hour course

Venue: Statistics Training Institute, Daejeon


Edith Gray, Ph.D.
(Professor, School of Demography, Australian National University)


  In this workshop we will acquire an understanding of different ways to measure fertility.The workshop will start with an exploration of fertility over time and across countries. We will then investigate period and cohort methods for measuring fertility, assessing their strengths and limitations. Participants will learn how to calculate these different measures of fertility and explain how they can be used to understand changes in fertility. For these calculations, we will use Excel and Stata. Participants will reinforce their learning with group activities and opportunities to work with different datasets.
  No prior knowledge is assumed for this workshop.

Key Features

  • Understanding Concepts of
    Fertility Analysis
  • Learning How To Use Excel/Stata For Fertility Analysis
  • Group Activity And Practice Time with International Students


  • Session 1 - Understanding concepts of fertility from a demographic perspective.
  • Session 2 - Measuring fertility I – period measures of fertility
  • Session 3 - Measuring fertility II – cohort measures of fertility
  • Session 4 - Comparing fertility across sub-populations
  • Session 5 - Ways to project fertility

Comments from Previous Participants

The lecturer provides level of knowledge which is suitable for everyone
with great assistance from teaching assistant.

< Demography / Masters student >

Having group activities in every session was pretty good.

< Social Sciences / Professor >

It was very interactive learning sessions

< International Organization >