The 10th KOSTAT-UNFPA Summer Seminar on Population 제10회 통계청-유엔인구기금 인구서머세미나 개최 안내 * Registration was closed on June 16, 2023 (18:00 PM KST) 참가신청이 6월 16일 18시에 마감되었습니다. ![]( - Overview
- The KOSTAT-UNFPA Summer Seminar on Population has been serving as a forum for individuals and institutions concerning population-related issues in the Asia-Pacific region. The workshops are expected to provide an opportunity for experts on demography and government officials in charge of population censuses and statistics around the world to promote new methods for producing and analyzing population statistics and demography. Participants are encouraged to select one or more workshops among the options available.
![]( - Date & Time
- July 24 (Mon) - August 10 (Thu), 2023
- Plenary Lecture: 10:00~12:00 (KST), July 24 (Mon), 2023
- Workshop 1: 10:00~17:00 (KST), July 24 (Mon) - July 28 (Fri), 2023
- Workshop 2: 10:00~17:00 (KST), July 31 (Mon) - August 4 (Fri), 2023
- Workshop 3: 15:00~17:00 (KST), August 7 (Mon) - August 10 (Thu), 2023
* Lecture hours for Workshop 1 and 2 are different by date, and are subject to change in the future.
![]( - Venue
- * This year’s program will be conducted hybrid (Plenary Lecture), face-to-face (Workshop 1 and 2) and online (Workshop 3)
![]( - Qualifications
- Training and experience in a field relevant to the topic of the workshop(s)
- Fluency in English (level of understanding academic lectures)
![]( - Topic & Lecturer
- Plenary Lecture (Hybrid/English), 1.5 to 2-hour lecture
"Trajectory and Prospects of Low Fertility in Japan: Patterns, Factors and Implications" by Professor Noriko Tsuya (Keio University, Japan)
- Workshop 1 (Off-line/English), 25-hour course
"Introduction to Demography with R" by Professor Tim Riffe (University of the Basque Country, Spain)
- Workshop 2 (Off-line/English), 25-hour course
"Standardization and Decomposition" by Professor Vladimir Canudas-Romo (Australian National University)
- Workshop 3 (On-line/English), 8-hour course
"Fertility and Family" by Professor Edith Gray (Australian National University)
![]( - Registration Fee
- Free of charge, will be supported by KOSTAT
- Responsible for own meals and lodging (for offline participants)
- Responsible for own electronic devices (for online participants)
* Limited funding (lodging) for full-time graduate students is available (for offline workshops)