(7th SSP) Workshop Material (Workshop 2- Analysis of Demographic data with GIS)

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Writer 관리자 Date 2020.12.23
File (게시용) 제7회 인구서머세미나_제2차 워크숍_교재_내지.pdf

Please find the attached workshop material from the 7th KOSTAT-UNFPA Summer Seminar on Population (2020).

* Considering COVID-19 situation, the program was conducted for domestic participants only.



-열람자 주의사항

본 강의자료는 제7회 통계청-유엔인구기금 인구서머세미나 제2차 워크숍 강의목적으로 제작, 게시된 것이며, 무단으로 복제, 배포, 전송하는 행위를 금합니다.

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This material is made and posted for the purpose of workshop lectures of the 7th KOSTAT-UNFPA Summer Seminar on Population. Copying, distributing and transmitting the material without permission is strictly prohibited. Copyright of this material is owned by the author. If permission from the copyright holder is not obtained before posting the material online (e.g. re-posting the material to SNS or distributing by e-mail), this activity could be considered a copyright infringement. Unauthorized reproduction, distribution, or transmission is subject to copyright infringement and may be subject to legal action under the Copyright Act.